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Morning Brain Awake Energizer Smoothie

Made this great smoothie this morning. I was feeling a little spent and foggy this morning and this smoothie definitely did the trick. This is a great start to your morning, especially if you are someone who constantly tired both mentally and physically. It’s such a pick me up it! Forget the caffeine folks. This is way better. And this is from a guy who used to drink 6-8 cups of coffee a day. Ever wonder why everyone is walking around like tired zombies these days yet they all have Starbucks in their hands?

Here the recipe:

It will have a very mild taste. If you like sweet add a tablespoon of organic honey.

1/2 avacado

1 ripe locally grown peach

1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut or almond milk

4 ice cubes

2 tablespoons of Udo’s 3/6/9 oil

1/2 teaspoon of sea vegetables.

1 scoop of Protein Powder (I like Original New Zealand Whey – it’s the purest around – no gmo, antibiotics, etc fed to the animals that the protein is produced from). A plant based protein power is fine as well.

Blend for 40 seconds and enjoy. Makes 1 large glass or 2 small servings.

Do you have a clean recipe you want to share? Send it to us at recipes@optimumbodies.com.

Optimum Bodies Personal Training & Wellness Studio
619 Kingston Road West, Ajax ON

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